short for “No Name Random”
is a common term often found on ukn rust lobbies to anger and invigorate the random individuals on the server. “NN RANDS” is used predominantly by other no name randoms who are insignificant to average player on the server.
1v1 me UKN

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by 1v1 me ukn April 15, 2022
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phrase used when someone does something completely out of the blue (randomly)
Guy 1: "this dude just came up to me and smacked me in the face!"

Guy 2: "what? on the rands?"

Guy 1: "yeah wtf is up with that?!"
by Narmage January 26, 2012
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The godly combination of schnitzels and rice. Could be optionally replaced with a proper british mash, this is only in order if consumed on the Victoria Line between Brixton and Euston station.
"yooo veli can we have randed ouge for dinner"
"yeah i had randed ouge today, it tasted like a googlebobbelation"
"have you ever tried canadian randed ouge?"
by magyar24 May 6, 2022
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He has a sense of humor, and he can laugh at just about anything. He is outgoing when you first meet him, and he always has energy. He can be nerdy, but still makes friends. Rand is that one person at the restaurant, who orders hot wings, then complains that there too hot, and orders something else. Sometimes Rand has too much energy and can be annoying. He also has a temper, and can get mad over little things. He is very smart, and does very well in school.
Rand likes video games,

has blond hair,

likes to eat hot wings (bone in)
likes to drink a roy rogers
and likes superheros.
by unkownauthor0101010 November 30, 2019
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She is a fucking whore. I wanna kill this bitch
Rand : Have you seen rand oh that hoe
by Gsbshshhash October 16, 2019
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