EVERYONE over looks this word, or tends to overuse it.

1.Oh means to begin something. Or to end. Like -oh, she really did mean that that way!

Or -is that what she meant, oh.

2. Oh means to silence the conversation, so u can finish ordering that burrito, or to start a rant, because that burrito needs that extra cheese even if it costs u an extra $1.50

3. oh means, life ..... it means life
"Oh my..."
by Hello:) smile:)laugh:) January 24, 2018
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The word that wears a million hats. In every language, the word: Oh, carries an infinite amount of meanings. When using Oh, the limit is your imagination.
by Will Oh November 30, 2021
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oh but with a dot
person a: hey dont keep ur dms open to everyone pedophiles will dm u
person b: i finess them
person a: oh.
by there's pasta in my eyeball September 29, 2020
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What you say when you are making your "oh! face"
She showed me her "Oh!" face. "Oh! Oh!"
by Cerebellum'd November 22, 2003
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Oh oh, oh shiver me timbers. SHUT UP MAN! Used as a sarcastic word to pretend you're scared but in reality, you don't give a single shit.
*Arguing on discord as an example*

Stranger: You're so ugly
You: *insert good comeback*
Stranger: Say that again and I will come to your house and kill you
You: Oh oh scary! Shut up man
by Shitass, True God May 1, 2021
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a sound that is an instinct at school wehn a fight breaks out, you can't help but say it, it is really annoying
by Who The Douce Are You? April 17, 2005
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