William Edward Mitchell is a sex god fr

Person 1-"did u hear William Edward Mitchell shagged Margaret Thatcher"

Person 2-"No I was in a fucking coma"
William Edward Mitchell shags MILFS
by Pledosioum March 24, 2023
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A guy that doesn’t know what he wants and goes through breakups that seem odd . He is still not over his “ 2019 ex” but is dating someone at the moment . He’s pretty cute and he knows it but sometimes his self esteem is kinda low and he feels alone most of the time . He low key wants to go back to his ex but he is scared that she will reject him so he stays in his comfort zone . He has alot of goals in life but for some reason is at a pause in life . He’s a good person with such a good heart and he could be the love of your life !
Hey J Edward ! You seem pretty funny I kinda like you !
by Your lovebug November 23, 2021
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the most epic rappers of all time
hey have you heard Edward vlogs 24s new song

yeah that shit was awesome
by Callsign Roach March 28, 2022
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if you support edward you're wrong!
team edward is horrible (This post has been brought to you by #TeamJacob)
by MamaOvi January 6, 2020
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Insane people, who think Edward is a better choice for Bella, even though he left her, made her suicidal, and nearly killed her with his kid.
Fan 1- Team Edward or Team Jacob?
Fan 2- Team Edward
Fan 1- * sends Fan 2 to a mental ward*
by t.h.1155 November 10, 2020
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