Typically a Jason McKenzie or Trent McMahon type character. Often found pussy footing around the sesh cause they’re “whipped”
A Jason McKenzie A.K.A a 5 Foot Fanny was found tied to the bed being repeatedly whipped by his misses while Trent McMahon proceeds to keep the tiles clean and look after the kids at the mercy of the one they name “Jess”.
by Jason’s Dad December 6, 2020
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1. A male who enjoys tossing the salad of other males.
2. A homosexual man who likes licking butt crack.
3. A very gay man.
fan-ee-fin-chur fanny fincher
1. George bush pretends he's straight, but we all know that he is a fanny fincher.
2. I saw him in the locker room with another guy being a fanny fincher.
by shugahhh aka vegas bitch February 5, 2010
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When a girl has a vagina that looks like a donor kebab
Man I couldn’t have sex with her, she had a cabbage fanny!”
by Jowney February 25, 2018
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The act of kidnapping, ("taking" if that sounds better)...several tourists or people who may appear to be a tourist of some sort, driving them to an unknown location, and then follow that by dragging them out of the vehicle with your buddies and literally "stomping" those goofy "fanny"-pack wearing bitches till their bloody, but not dead.
"So anyway, the other day, there was like six fanny-fags walking down market street, so me and Lysol grab those niggas and brought 'em to the spot and I called up my boys and we had ourselves a fanny stomping party."
by Leroy and Cletus January 14, 2008
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When you are hear of something revolting of a sexual nature or relating to sexual health which induces the feeling of your Fanny lips curling in on them self as to seal the vagina out of disgust.
His foot fetish made my Fanny curl!
by Pdiddyhasalittlewilly October 5, 2022
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