alvin getting a blowjob by brittany in the bathrom
alvin alvin blowjob
by doufingor August 22, 2022
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Only taking the head of the penis into the mouth while performing a blowjob.
She bent over and gave me a demi blowjob, wrapping her fingers around my shaft and sucking the head of my penis, never allowing more than an inch penetration.
by ThTT April 19, 2017
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A very depraved blowjob performed for drugs.
I really wanted some weed, so I offered Jack a sweedish blowjob
by Vestigial Limb November 13, 2016
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A person who sucks a horse dick And then drowns in cum.
One day when Ricky was playing in the field. He walked up to a horse and out of curiosity began to Give a horse blowjob. The horse enjoyed it so much it came right in Ricky mouth. And he drowned to death in horse cum.
by CloakedSniper0 January 10, 2021
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When two individuals (male and female) have sexual intercourse whilst in the middle of the female delivering the baby.
Beavis: "Hey why is your kids head deformed?"

Butthead: "Oh, yeah... I, uh, did the baby blowjob..."
by Babyfucker69420 December 14, 2019
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A woman places her boobs on either side of a man's balls and holds on to his torso with her hands. She begins a regular blow job but moves her chest in unison with her mouth providing an experience so good that it can cause temporary memory loss and distortion of reality.
*Current standard blowjob to FBB exchange rate is 3:1
I was just sitting on the couch as she took off her shirt and started giving me an Full Body Blowjob so fucking amazing it made my brain glitch. I forgot my name and started hearing colors!
by BrainGlitchGuy July 4, 2022
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Ingesting so many calories that you’re physically in a state of mind where the mere thought of moving exhausts you.
Man, I was ready for the pub crawl at St. Paddy’s, but I got a Dementor’s blowjob from Nando’s. I hate my life.
by ItzKris March 17, 2023
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