Your mid shit and you realize theres no toilet paper so you have to go get it
Bro i was taking a shit and there was no toilet papper so i had to do a muddy shuffle
by Fennel8263 July 16, 2023
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Occurs after a long night of drinking and is often coupled with a hangover. Characterized by a general aching sensation in the lower back area, particularly around the kidneys.
"Man, last night was a shitshow! I got so drunk and I think I made out with the horse. I'm paying for it today, I've got a nasty hangover and I am doing the Kidney Shuffle."

by gimpy2552 April 18, 2008
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A Shuffle on a music player that plays hits after hits without whack songs in between
"Man, the car ride was turnt as hell! I must've hit the golden shuffle."
by Algodeen February 13, 2017
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When listening to a music library or playlist on shuffle, the songs you don't know well or would not normally listen to, are known as shuffle buffer.
I was listening to my music on random when I hit a shitton of shuffle buffer. Where the hell is the stuff I know?
by Codieaaron May 28, 2013
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To have sex with a burgess and love it.
Shes got the burbuss shuffle!
by Tjigfahfi December 30, 2022
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The act of brisk walking across Columbia Road on University Avenue in the frozen tundra aka Grand Forks, North Dakota in the middle of winter going to class. Usually practiced when trying to make the light and is a substitute for running so one does not slip with his/her backpack.
{Man slips in the middle of the intersection spilling his bag}

Chris: If he was smart, he would have just done the columbian shuffle.

Ann: Way to icy out to be running across like that...
by Gypsie Nomad May 6, 2010
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If you can, To take your best friend’s cum filled condom, pull the cum side out and fuck his drugged sister with it.
My best friend been fucking my wife. So, I Las Vegas Shuffled his sister.
by Dankboymemes May 16, 2020
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