The act of getting whisker burn from a stubbly vagina.
"Honey, you need to shave your vagina! I got beaver bite last night!"
by MorgannaNight May 29, 2020
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*The Great Australian Bite* is a manoeuver employed when an uneducated woman or man gives you the cheese grater and then shaves off a chunk of skin and tissue after felatio possibly even causing a rift between time and space itself and decapitating the tip off the member leaving the namesake from our beloved region between Tasmania and the mainland to have been dubbed it's etymological origin. Such a manoeuver was actually employed by most English female convicts when a ship would lurch on the Tasman and she was sucking penis at the same time
In the following edict witness what the Great Australian Bite is all about and who typically would conduct such activities on a ship travelling across the waves

Nancy go easy on me since we're on this ship and in the gallows stinky toilet ok?

Nancy ignores words and launches into a full scale attack on the dick causing in its wake a goodly sum of skin and penile tissue to be removed from unknown mans fallice

It's like you're getting stuck between Tassy and Melbourne here, oh no, please stop, it's killing me...

Nancy will continue until the *Great Australian Bite* has been correctly executed and the head of the penis has been either mutilated or decapitated completely


Bubble bubble bubble


Yummo some dickhead to swallow


Sighs with relief for fewer convicts to deal with
by NunceBolger February 27, 2022
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"Those clout goggles look delicious I Just Want To Bite It fam"
by PhatPhnya November 20, 2018
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The act of consuming an item of food in one whole mouthful.
Yo bro, odds you one-bite that apple!
by Kerytach February 10, 2021
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1.When you take one big ass bite of your Wendy's T-Rex Burger violantly and out of a spontaneusly action often influenced by extreme munchies.
2. Or: You are a famous boxer who is influenced by an excessive use of cocaine ...and bite of a chunk of your opponents ear.
1. "Yoo Stephen don't you look at my burger like you bout to take a Mike Tyson Bite of it!"
2. "Damn this dude must be hungry af when he starts eating goddamn ears! That was one nasty Mike Tyson Bite."
by Plain ¥ogurt February 12, 2017
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a tone that someone has to their voice where they say the nicest thing and have venom in their voice so it doesn't come out sounding nice
"We will go to the park, won't we?"

and sounds like " We are going to the freakin park and your going to freakin love it, so shut the heck up."

and the person it was said to mumbles "easy with the polite bite"
by spankyy December 30, 2008
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To be murdered or slain in a vicious manner.
"That sodding berk's gonna bite the iron if he tries bobbing a mafia don."
by Zed Numar July 18, 2021
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