a softball travel team that is purple and pushes no matter what , And keeps there head up always even if that get out or doesn't make the play right .
by softball~chick~36 April 18, 2016
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On december 4 you can force @ reploidfrom21XX to watch Betilla NSFW and he cant do nothing about it
Tonight will be the force Zero to watch Betilla's eyes day
by Bass from au November 7, 2023
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The saltiest force in the universe, the main source of salt in the universe, associated with being a salty cunt
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the crustiest oldest and grossest pair of air force 1s that the person still wears everyday
person 1: you need new shoes ong
person 2: nah they're my bianca force 1s
by harpsichord September 19, 2021
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When a guy cums before a girl, therefore ruining the sexytime
Terry, really, you force majeured again last night? Your girl is gonna leave you
by Namistrone May 10, 2021
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Egocentripetal force is the invisible force which is responsible for the world revolving around yourself.
No Pip, we are not waiting for you to have your toenails trimmed. Get your head out of your ass and quit thinking you have some type of egocentripetal force. Now come on those those dicks are not going to fluff themselves.
by Swaggy Smooth August 26, 2022
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