A 'Thug's Veto' is when violent and/or threatening activists and/or protest groups, usually on the left of the political spectrum, force the closure, cancellation or disruption of an event that they don't agree with by means of intimidation or threats of violence and chaos.
"Did you see how the New Zealand Prime Minister endorsed a thug's veto when she said she was 'proud' that controversial speakers were shut down by protesters in her country over the weekend?"
by FreeSpeechLiberation August 7, 2018
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A guy trying to bone lots of girls
Yo dude chad is such a reverse bone thug
by Idfc.Whores October 17, 2023
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jim:that bastard james is a butt thugging asshole he told my sister Laura I had cancer when I dont
Sara: that's terrible
by bullshit meister November 8, 2017
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Tall lanky dude who goes dumpster diving and hangs out in a cool box
by Smug Thug March 21, 2022
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when you go out with your girlfriends in the hood, specifically to mingle with the local men
"Giiiiiirl, you tryna thug watch in the town tonight?"
by Ayyyye408 March 7, 2018
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