"Beware of the hand (that bites)" is the opposite of "Don't bite the hand that feeds you." It means to be wary of some people, especially those who can make a situation worse. Tony John coined this phrase.
Person 1: should we involve him? he might make matters worse.

Person 2: Beware of the hand (that bites).
by Tony John April 30, 2023
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What goth guys call goth girls nice boobs.
"Did you see that kinda cute girls dracula bites?"
"Yeah, they look delicious"
by peanutzz May 19, 2010
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When a person constantly shows you a "hilarious" new video on youtube, you say "you are biting my finger."
Sean: Hey Nate, you have to see this new video I found on youtube, it's hilarious. It's called...

Nate: Sean, "you're biting my finger."
by greatjamama December 26, 2011
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A phrase that is used when everyone refuses to finish the last “bite” or portion of food at the table.

Usually shown as a sign of respect
“We have one more cupcake left. Are you going to eat it?”
“I can’t. It’s the Swedish bite”
by Cowchiemane February 26, 2022
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The act of one putting their teeth softly onto another and firmly brush them back and forth across the other.
Brittany is dry biting Adam's back like someone who would be scratching it.
by Obi-one-kanubby January 25, 2017
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Rats bite
From a man asking a female if she wants a rats bite
by December 8, 2020
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When an young dude (or girl), arrogantly bites a nipple of another girl causing it to bleed and become infected by the bacteria surrounding the wound.

The infection can couse itching, a greenish tint surounding the wound, among other annoying simptoms. This infection should be cured before it develops a serious health hazard.
My nipple won't stop itching after I had sex.

Maybe you got a unsafe bite, you should conslut a doctor.
by _VERTIGO_ March 22, 2019
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