when you cut parts of an image off but retain parts of it, typically for comedic or general utility.
"i just copped this image of me... doing your mom."
by ariiajf;aif August 29, 2022
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After I sobbed peed inside my boxer brief undies, due to that I was unambulatory to take off my wet boxer brief undies and I loved my boxer brief undies, I copped with my wet boxer brief undies that my wet boxer brief undies became comfortable that I could smile inside my wet boxer brief undies!
by Turo Fernandez November 1, 2019
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When you expand an asshole enough and hold it open you pour warm coffee in the crevasse then you break a doughnut in half dunk it in the coffee then eat it
I had a cop’s breakfast the other day, love my coffee with a little milk
by Pun intended December 30, 2022
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When a woman cop wears a bulletproof vest too tight and her boobs hang out the side.
“Bro, I was so distracted by her cop boob that I couldn’t even nab that perp.”
by Bathy the Butt June 9, 2018
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The act of blowing smoke at a cop that is talking to someone they have pulled over as you drive past them.
-blowing a cop-
tom: dude i blew a cop last night and he didn't know what hit him.
by baconator7 June 27, 2010
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To find a woman/man and start a relationship
Yes let me cop a cuff for the winter
by foley212 November 12, 2017
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Cop Block (or copblock) ©® is a thing which blocks your vision, as like the thing which undermines a criminal's vision is a cop; and also, an individual, group or other person, place, thing, event or idea which runs interference with police, while one or more gets away.
The PD cop block (or copblock) everything I do so I have to send a cop block (or copblock) to run interference.
by Howard W. Moore, 3rd August 27, 2021
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