The act of squeezing impacted shit out of your pee hole like a zit to clear the blockage.
Yo man while I fucked her in the ass I must have been pushing a Hershey bar back up in there because it gave me a chocolate Dick zit.
by PieKnee March 12, 2017
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A girl with pimples/zits all across the front of her chest then chooses to wear low cut shirts to show them off.
Ceanna has zit tits and likes to show them off and all the guys think it's nasty, so she is therefore a zit tit bitch.
by Janece September 1, 2003
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Zits that are found in the mustach of a teen
Person 1 "hey check out my stach"
Person 2 "more like a Zit Stach"
Person 1 " forgot poland"
by Hi i'm Ted December 24, 2008
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a zit on your ball sack. also known as a STD.
i have a ball zit. people may think its an STD.
by missymikel July 22, 2010
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a spread to put on toast made of the oozing puss from acne
mmmmmm , i just love my zit-whiz on toast in the morning
by santa kloz March 3, 2008
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Yo Nigga You Got Pop Like Zit on MW2 and you get SHIT ON Like fucking Noob and you have no life you read this Good day motherfuckers

and you drink Palmolive(:
Is when you get shot in the face on mw2 and you knock a nigger nose off Good Day Faggets.

Example should include the word "You Got Pop like a zit?"
by Vault_Just January 19, 2012
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The nastiest of zits
That rail-zit is huge!
by Muskie96 April 24, 2016
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