Wookie the most smokin dude you'll ever find, prefers Korean chicks, but occasionally a Western Chicken will do too.

He is just fabulous, words can barely describe it, but his soft smooth lips, when they touch a pearl of water and blossom in the morning sun, show his softness and passion.

His beuatiful, heart will always shine over Waldenbuch.
Svenja: I just went to Waldenbuch yesterday and saw this smokin hot dude eating some Rittersport chocolate. The cold chocolate was melting on his warm lips, and then he shouted Svenja I love you. Wookie will always be in my heart.

Paula: Really? Cause at this Festival he came up to me we made out, he was just the most amazing dude you will ever find, make sure you keep him close.
by Wookiechan December 17, 2013
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A technophile who hangs out on enthusiast forums, usually devoted to game consoles, home theater systems, or mobile phones. Like the Star Wars creature, they are hairy, bellow in an unintelligible language and beat their chests at the sky when companies displease them.

Wookies spend their daylight hours writing angry letters to PR firms. At night, they write negative reviews on ePinions and TripAdvisor. On weekends, they gather with their WoW clan and whinge on the Facebook wall of companies they hate.

A Wookie's most vicious form of attack is the phrase "I'll never buy your product again as long as I live".
IT Slave: "Legal sent takedown notices on a couple of modders and now a pack of Wookies are trying to DDoS us."

PR Slave: "Fuck 'em".
by RazrBack February 24, 2011
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A female Marine. Usually really manly and has a clit bigger than a guys dick
Stupid Wookies always messing up our liberty policy.
by The cheese wheel June 19, 2013
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Any container that has to open ends (bottle, tube, toilet paper roll)that is stuffed with drier sheets. You blow into the wookie when smoking marijuana to help cover the smell.
"Dude that was a huge hit. YOu better use the wookie so the RA doesnt smell the cron." John said to Bill.
by Xander Ru'sell May 29, 2007
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Any woman that is just gross and disgusting. Also one that is gross and disgusting, but just has on a lot of makeup or other "enhancements"
Man we went to this Mardi Gras party expecting some fine women, we roll in on it and find nothing but wookies!
Note: Works really well if you can do the wookie growl from star wars
by Matt March 4, 2005
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A fucking common misspelling of the word Wookiee, which is the name of a fictional species in Star Wars.
Han: It's not wise to upset a Wookie.
Chewbacca: <Fuck you, bitch! That's the last time!> *rips Han's arms off*
by IrateNerd November 3, 2009
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Nickname given to one of Super Junior's main vocalists, Kim Ryeo Wook.
Friend: What is the first thing you think of when someone says 'Wookie'??

You: Kim Ryeowook :3♥

Friend: WTH???
by Mrs.WookieKim January 1, 2013
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