A Youtuber and twitch creator who mainly makes COD Warzone videos and some fortnite and Minecraft videos.
Have you seen the Youtuber Flux rivals yet?
by Easter Jack January 20, 2021
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The inevitable point one reaches after having been awake for 3+(+++....) nights while using crystal meth to remain conscious. Consists of erratic and spontaneous, mostly involuntary movements that combine to form, basically, the silliest goddamn most doffus-ass dance you've ever set eyes upon that follows the looping rhythm that beats on (and on, and on...) inside the heart and soul of whatever gacked out mother fucker happens to be in question.
"Holy shit, bro, did you see that crazy ass fool we just passed?! Man, what the fuck is that guy doing? Walk faster..."

"Nah, chill dog, he just on a str8 twista-flux"
by Pish-p-p-Posh May 5, 2016
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A Subtitle of The Popular BBC Series Doctor Who’s 13th Revival Series

Also a name Seamus tried to get trending
Seamus is Currently in Flux

“Seamus in Flux”
Mood is in Flux”
“You are in Flux”
by Shaun is in Flux October 9, 2021
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A euphemism for female orgasm overload due to insane SPM (Squirts Per Minute).
I was blessed by the holy spirit and flux that bitch into oblivion. She wouldn't leave me alone and drank all my water. She cleaned my entire house tho... Might keep her every monday.
by Teqwan December 14, 2021
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When you got too much shit to do but not enough time, and your coworker doesn't do their job and now you have to do their shit too. When you have to do two shits at once.
Manufacturing Manager: "I have to finish this drawing but I have to fix this machine too, I am so fluxed"
by Schwingn December 1, 2022
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A sexy mf with a big dick who gonna slap you if you insult him
Girl: No way is that a Flux i wanna sex him so bad
by FIux February 2, 2021
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