A George Washinton is when you cum on a girls teeth and force her to brush it in.
"Omg Barbera, Fred made me do a George Washington last night"
by Monk Eballs July 15, 2022
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Jamal: George Washington, a mildly racist, communist baker. Is amazing and makes so many cacas.
by badassbitchxo November 15, 2021
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V/ To work from home... Named after the fact that George Washington was the only president to never ACTUALLY live in the white house. Instead, he governed from Mount Vernon!
Once, I forgot to hand in my work for French... Good job the lesson was on Thursday, and my then-teacher of French liked pulling a George Washington on Fridays.
by Itz Rob November 27, 2016
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Washington George moaned, he "celebrated" winning the first ever presidential election by boning his wife.
by pseudonym moaned November 30, 2020
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