--Man, have you seen the new elementary school? It's off the hook!
--Yeah, it's pretty spank.
by EderC August 17, 2005
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Did you see that? It was totally spank.
by natsirt September 3, 2007
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spank is another word for "cool", or "tight"
dude, your new truck is so spank....
by funkE fresH December 20, 2006
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A term used to replace any noun. i.e. binder paper.
Mr. Mendoza: "Okay class, i want everyone to take out your spanks."
by riced00d March 15, 2003
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tottally uncontrolled radness, meaning way super cool
dudeone: dude, i just met tera reed
dude two: man, that's sooo spank
by grant sweeting August 25, 2005
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(adj.) denotes something or someone to be totally, awesome, cool, amazing, incredible or phenomenal
Max plays trumpet in the band- that is sooo SPANK!!!
by silly_girl.haha January 29, 2011
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Very good; excellent.

In common usage by late 2004. First media use by rapper Xzibit in 2005.
That ride is spank, yo.
by Drew McCarthy July 29, 2005
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