A methed of using strengh, noise, and Rythm to create or destroy evil
-Wow man i really needed youre power to ROCK yesterday or else that crowd wouldve killed me
-(Dio)no problem bro some people have to be born with it
by Collin Foster January 3, 2008
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An emote used in the MMORPG Guild Wars to initiate a game of rock paper scissors with yourself.
"Dude, how do you play rock paper scissors like that?"

"Type /rock, dude."
by R.P.M. November 7, 2005
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The mother of modern music. first played by the creaters of this music form such as bill haley and his comets and many more. Rock requires talent a brain to actually know what rock is (instead of avril) and none hell of a lung capacity. Without rock there would be none of the great music we have today.
Did you hear the bass guitarest in that rock band
by ROCKTEACHER101 October 24, 2003
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Let's head to the Rock.
by Nate February 27, 2004
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a popular form of music that kicks the ass of most other geners of music. in fact, its the best, period.
i like ROCK music, everything else sux ass
by Crozier November 20, 2006
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Verb: To rock, (not cook crack cocaine, or any other meltable drug powder into solid-rock-like-balls-of-chemicals, but to play rock music, head bang, drink a lot of Jack Daniels and sleep with at least three groupies at once, scream really loud at the top of one's voice while other people slam their instruments in a rhythmic fashion and call it 'rock music', basically be really cool.). Present tense.
He/She/That Dude/That Chick rocks! *head bangs*
by Lex May 20, 2004
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1. a cool type of music
2. a way of expressing something cool
3. a stone
This rock music is really nice.
This rocks!!
Look at that rock.
That rock that listens to rock rocks!!
by Gorgey da Playa October 31, 2003
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