An expression to a negative outcome for someone or something.
Frank was walking down the street when, palos, a car ran him over.
by JshmoneyDog April 7, 2021
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It is when to your consternation you are put in their abusive driiling.

When people hate security at STANFORD MALL so much they start stealing and assaulting the people in security at the mall as the PALO.ALTO SECUTITY TRAUMA has gotten around big time and not only that PALO ALTO'S laws passed so people can practice PARSIMONY peacefully without anyone being able to ask anyone of anything to help out.
When that set me up.for pan handling to afford some food and they immediately trespass me out and the five dollars given

blows away in the wind you feel the PALO ALTO SECURITY TRAUMA when you come back after eight months and are treated wose not able to not only at dinner time to get something to eat but SHAKE SHACK.LIES about saying they will give you something renegues.
by SMELLY HOMOSEXUAL April 8, 2022
Spanish for when a skinny dude dating a thick/fat chick
Papi, ese flaco y esa gorda son puro palo y bola
by Odyssey 3 September 13, 2020
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Literally: a standing stick. Slang: an erect penis.
Do a few pushups and maybe that palo parado will go away!
by S Snoid February 2, 2023
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to walk with your arms wailing in the air like a crazy person
"did you see the palo strut parade yesterday?" oh that palo!
by redina July 7, 2011
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