The act of having sex with a girl while playing Call of Duty. (or Vice-Versa)
Yo Drizzy, my girl came over and we played Modern Whorefare together. It was amazing!
by DrizzyH-Baby August 11, 2010
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a person that talks expertly about something he/she actually knows nothing about

(Defined by the NPR show This American Life)
Usually occurs in a conversation when you know a little about a subject and when asked to expand upon it, you extrapolate completely unrelated nonsense.

"What are trans fatty acids?"
"Fats that have an extra hydrogen atom on it"
"What is that bad for you?"
insert modern jackass line
by Rian D Fowler August 9, 2005
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The process of getting a blowjob, handjob, or in extreme cases a blumpkin while playing call of duty modern warfare
Situation 1.

Joe, "Dude i can't talk right now I'm getting a modern warjob"

Bob, "Is that why your K.D. sucks macock?"

Situation 2.

Joe, "i just got 10th prestige!"

Bob, "i just got a nuke"

Bill, "I just got a modern warjob"
by Modern Warjob Expert VI July 25, 2010
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Modern rock is a radio format often wrongly used interchangeably with Alternative Rock or other genres. The simple fact of the matter is that since "Modern Rock" just refers to recent bands and actually doesn't actually follow any specific style, it is not a genre at all.
Person A: i luv modern rock, lolz
Person B: That makes no sense.
by Username is Taken October 16, 2008
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a term used most often in academia to describe an event, work of literature, style of art, or particular way of thinking in an extremely vague manner referring to a virtually unidentifiable era or quality that existed at some point after the "modern" period ended.
i wrote a paper called "Post Modern Perspecives on Female Genital Mutilation" so full of academic gobbely-gook that I believe I got an A just because neither myself nor the professor clearly understood what it was about.
by cicaita May 2, 2006
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music with no real value or meaning. basically sound that is only technically music.

modern music, rap, the jonas brothers, my chemical romance, avenged sevenfold, slipknot, james blunt, green day
by aqwsderf October 28, 2008
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