Plural: Leafies;

noun: adjective

An individual who derives pleasure and enjoyment from anthropomorphic plants. This includes observing anthropomorphic plants, dressing as an anthropomorphic plant, and deriving sexual gratification from the idea of humanoid plants. Similar to furries, an individual may dawn a leaf suit or dress in a way which allows them to more closely resemble their inner desires as a plant-person. There are several varieties of leafies ranging from fruit and flower based interests to tree, vine, vegetable, and even fungus based identities.

An individual identified by the public as a leafy which derives sexual pleasure from an actual plant which is not anthropomorphic is in fact not a leafy. The aforementioned individual is a dendrophile.
I saw a leafy at the con and she was incredibly hot.
by Dolgarth January 18, 2022
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Leafy is a character from bfdi (battle for dream island) which spoiler alert if u havent seen it, stole the prize from the winner after being neglected by them
Definition: being absolutely hated by a lot of ppl in a discord
server/game/subreddit/tiktok/youtube etc...., basically just being the main punching bag
Just be downright hated
Ppl dont respect u
Nobody wants to be friends with u
U have tons of enemies

Dude, you breaking the rules here r causing u to be a LEAFY

Everybody in the discord server hates u now! R u happy LEAFY?

Ugh ur such a LEAFY no wonder u have no friends and everybody hates u
by JicamaZod22 October 1, 2023
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1. Absolutely Hated on Social Media (TikTok,Youtube,Discord, etc etc)
2. A person who Fucked up in Social Media and ppl despise them
This is a reference to Leafy from bfdi
Everybody hates her since she stole *DREAM ISLAND*
Damn bro u fucked up, ur such a Leafy man
by JicamaZod22 October 17, 2023
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GEN discord server user who loves fungi and plant stuff. Enjoys teasing the server owner Ken. Also known as Leaf On A String.
Kenstagator: Make me food Leafy.

Leafy: Say please, and what would you like?
by GENuser1500 November 21, 2021
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She has alot of drama in her life.. ohh no! that doesn’t sound too leafy bro.
by Sincere Podis August 7, 2022
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She has alot of drama in her life.. ohh no! that doesn’t sound too leafy bro.
by Sincere Podis August 7, 2022
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A word that can describe absolutely anything in any moment ever.
Girl: wow do you like this blanket i found?
Boy: yea it’s so leafy you should get it!
by leafylife April 22, 2020
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