n. A smelly prototypical raver who makes the rest of America's liberals look really, really bad by inappropriate association.
Much like Supreme Court Justice Potter Stewart, you'll a know a hippie when you see it.
by mw2 March 3, 2013
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people that think they are changing the world, by smoking pot, listening to horrible music (i.e, phish )never shower want to live off the government even though they don't like the gov't lazy play music all day, lazy bisexual person (esp) college students whose independence day is earth day and plant a tree and then go back to the rock they crawled beneath. hipies also refered to as wimps who have no respect for mankind and want to love everybody, yet they are the ones who create chaos by rioting and are for the foreigners...
4 kinds of hippies
1. your drum circle hippies
2. pot smoking hippies
3 college know it all hippies
4. your aging liberal douche hippies
hey look at those hippies

ha yeah he's a pussy fag
by robin cox May 22, 2009
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A person with the outrageous notion that people, animals and the natural environment should be treated with respect. This person, furthermore, ridiculously believes that war is not a good thing. A current figure of scorn for those of the generation raised under St. Ronnie.
lol u fag your a hippie
by hwbrgdtse December 31, 2005
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Someone who uses personal freedom as an excuse to not get a job. Hippies listen to lousy music, wear worn out rags, have no fashion sense, worship Jerry Garcia, and smoke weed all day.
I went to that party the other night, you know the one down the block. There were too many hippies, it was lame.
by sting130 July 22, 2011
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Each hippie can be different, stand for different things. Usually people willing to learn, help others in feeling good about themselves, doesnt shadow or hide their "non mainstream" desires, comfortable with everyones sexuality, Doesnt judge so much, promotes loving and peace. Hippies usually look at the bigger picture of Human beings, seeing things as a whole. Some are vegitarian, some not. Usually has alot of faith in individual people or humanity in general. Stands up for their beliefs without disregarding others feelings. Not pussys', i know many hippies that can tear some shit up. They dont dress a certain way (in a whole, similarities vary) and just do what they want because they believe its free, and we are people. Loving to be intouch with nature, usually really spiritual but not exactly religious.

Being a hippie is not about the way you dress, the drugs you do, its about the mentality you have.

Hippies are usually calm and understand others feelings. They discuss ideas and are usually against most things the government does (which doesnt mean we dont love our country).

There is 1 difference between most hippies. The ones who do drugs, and dont.

Dont do drugs: Believe in all the same things, but may not think drugs are good because your body is a temple.

Do drugs: Believes all the stated above but believe that "your body is a temple" Therefore it should expierience mind alterations to expand the mind.

Basically, hippies vary. They are good fun people to be around and mostly send out good vibes and are optimistic
i smoke alot of pot and take alot of shrooms, and believe in non-judgement, humanitary rights, and love. I AM A HIPPIE
by SmokeAload July 12, 2008
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people that understand this one life is the planets and we are just on it to do our part to make it better more peaceful harmony, animals are people, we are all in this together-
forever alone so do your part to help we could bring back paridise if we just could love and understand think for your self but care about other animals (humans too). Hippies understand and have an open mind about life, no judging people, wasting time- time is in your head. We were put here to take care of each other, the animals, and the planet. We are just animals that devolpe skills to use knowlodge to make the world a better, more beautiful, peaceful place... one world one love
I see trees of green, red roses too
I see them bloom for me and you
And I think to myself, what a wonderful world

All a hippie is someone who appreciate being part of this beautiful planet that everyone else doesn't really seems to care about anymore. you a 1 small object part of something much larger
by Mekana Opal March 17, 2007
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