A funny guy who is VERY LIKABLE and there is this one girl who is HEAD OVER HEELS FOR HIM(my bsf) but he is too dumb to realize it. He needs to realize that the girl who is crushing on him is amazing and he NEEDS TO RELIZE IT! He is obviously a good guy because my bsf is crushing in him HARD.
by 💃🏽 January 4, 2018
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To be the most ill dude alive.
Dude, nice try but you'll never be as cool as coles.
by c-izzile January 14, 2008
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Cole can't be summed up in just one word, but if I had to choose one it would be amazing. He's hilarious and outgoing, but sensitive and deep when he needs to be. He has gorgeous blue eyes and when he talks in a husky voice, watch out, ladies, you will melt. In a puddle. On the floor. Thank you Cole, for showing me what perfect is.
Girl 1: Here comes Cole! *swoons*
Girl 2: *sighs* He'll never like you romantically. Everbody knows he's secretly in love whith Girl 3, and she loves him.
Girl 3: *blushing* Shut up.
by IfYouDontLoveMeIDontCare February 19, 2013
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A guy who is an ass. He loves too look at girls even if they don’t want him. He makes fun of people and is never nice. If you can stay away from a Cole you should.
by Neishbrjwisb t April 2, 2019
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A fat greasy cunt who wont stop smelling like a trashcan with all of the STDs at once
Person 1: Ewww, It's Cole
Person 2: How about we leave. I cant stand his ass stench
by JerekPlaysYT August 28, 2019
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"I fucked Cole from 4am to midnight, and I want more"
by Squishy Moist November 23, 2017
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A chunky boy who picks stupid car games over his friends. and loves to nut till his ball sack looks like a prune.
Hey cole is online! No he is in Forza mode good luck getting to him now.
by Yeet boi 69 October 28, 2019
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