Extremely hard fucking. Usually consists of the girl digging her nails into, and scratching the fuck out of the dudes back cause it's that good.
Yo brah, me and Julia were beastin last night.
by mike-uh April 1, 2008
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a sex machine capable of producing 5000000000 pounds of sperm a day. He/sometimes she will fuck u up, literally
man: I am beast
woman: i cant fuck u then, you'll produce to much and kill me
by thedonkeyherder May 25, 2010
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used to describe something that may be a little too ritzy or uptight for someone of an easygoing nature
That movie premiere seems kinda beast.
by crispysam March 6, 2005
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n (beast) - Someone or something that is mindblowingly cool, awesome, butters, or just generally good.

v (beasted; beasting) - To defeat, own, or pwn someone with great skill.
(beasted, beasting)

adj (beastly) - Great, mindblowing
n - "Dude, last night was BEAST!"

v - "You just got beasted on!"

a - "Those were some beastly chips."
by jeremyxdax February 13, 2010
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The actions of a person, place or thing that would require a word that is fun to say, and requires a word meaning better than awesome. This word can be used as a noun, pronoun, verb or anything you wish.
Dude, you are beast.
by savergen June 12, 2009
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you spelled breast wrong and ended up with this.
search: b-?-e-a-s-t. "dammit, not beast breast"
by thesarcasmmonster September 19, 2012
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