Put small pieces of poop on a piece of floss, freeze it, then use them as anal beads.
by NaughtyCrownie February 18, 2012
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1.Great toy for children 3+.

2.Great toy for adults 18 -29
For Christmas I got Billy some anal beads for him and his kindergarten class
by Saucey69 August 18, 2017
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a term of endearment, when used in a non-derogatory way
C'mon Tommy, my lil anal bead, dinner's ready!
by D-Nasty! May 9, 2009
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Anals beads is something you put in your arsehole and pull out one by one.

Also now known as a hot fashion accessory worn out in public, much like wearing a string of pearls.
Wow you and Kate are so kewl Brian, but next time wash those anal beads before you put them around your neck. It kinna smells and screams a Springer episode.
by Friday13 September 6, 2010
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A small string of metal beads used to stick up ones ass. Used for sexual excitement. I.E. Crack heads.
by Adrian October 15, 2003
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Iften used by the good looking protestants in glasgow when referring to the unwashed darker side of what can only be described faulty towers brigade.
Look theres that bead rattler gone goiing to faulty towers!
chortle chortle!!

Priest: just keep sucking you deprived little bead rattler!
by 3LYS!UM August 13, 2006
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it's a combonation of two sentences that pertain to persperation.first breakin comes from (breaking a sweat) and bead comes from (bead of sweat) thus creating breakin a bead...
man your workin way to hard, ur starting to break a bead.
or it's so hot out rite now i'm (breakin a bead)...
breakin a bead it's so hot!!!!breakin a bead
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