a crash of light and energy into one cosmic being, or my baby "xing-xing"
by xin July 8, 2003
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an object not recommended for swallowing on a dare.... it gets stuck halfway down and hurts like a bitch
"fucking hell that stupid fucking star hurts so fucking bad!"
"well u shouldnt have swallowed it then!"
by smiley June 5, 2003
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When your partner squats over you and proceeds to shit on your face. What you see is a star, then a circle, then a star.
A great party game, try it at your next staff party.
Example, Chris and Karl like to play star circle star at every staff function.
by Rick "The Stick" Keswick November 15, 2004
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A word coworkers usually named Deb will use instead of using a much worse word.
My stars, What the stars, Motherstars-er
by Sm00th0perat0r May 8, 2020
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Something in the sky

A person who's going to be on TV a lot and will eventually get fucked up.
"Wow! That's a bright star!"
"Ke$ha had an OD. She is a bad music star...."
by The16fire April 10, 2016
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A term used by Malcolm Tucker in the film 'In The Loop'.
"Y'know, I've come across a lot of psychos, but none as fucking boring as you. You are a real boring fuck. Sorry, sorry, I know you disapprove of swearing so I'll sort that out. You are a boring F star star CUNT!"
by Doe-G March 14, 2010
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weed or marijuana

Originated from people wanting to talk about doing something illegal or thinking about it, but really make it sound like your talking about something else. All terms related have to do with Space objects

Also see - Starshoot, stargazing, comet, and jupy
"Man i need to some star"
by Tyler April 25, 2004
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