A hot ass guy that has an amazing personality and can make anyone laugh and turn your mood into a hype. Any girl would be beyond lucky to have him
Girl 1: I am dating this new guy. He’s amazing and hilarious as well as hot as fuck
Girl 2: He must be a Saxon MacCarthy
by Jams4Lifeee December 28, 2018
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When one gets so arseholed (drunk) they become spanglo saxoned
Rodney: “you going out tonight mate?”
Tarquin: “ oh god yeah, I’m going to get absolutely spanglo saxoned
by Keizer June 17, 2018
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1. A person born of both Sub-Saharan African and Northwestern European descent.

2. A more respectful and accurate term to describe the ethnic group which has been historically labeled with derogatory names such as: mulatto, melungeon, mixed, or mutt.
America is a nation of immigrants. Take me for example, I’m an Afro-Saxon! My mom’s family immigrated from England long ago, while my dad’s family hail from Nigeria.
by HimWhoEatsTime June 26, 2021
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Saxon is a ship name of two crazy individuals named Sophie and Jaxon
Boy: have you of Saxon?
Girl: no, what’s Saxon?
Boy: a ship name of Sophie and Jaxon
by Candace69 November 29, 2021
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A young fellow with usually a 0.00000005 mm penis. They usually stay around the height of 5'3 and are plump and large. Saxon means someone who has an IQ of 10.3, meaning they cannot spell the basic words e.g hello. These people have allergies to everything and cannot breath for over a minuet without needing asthma spray. P L U M P.
I saw SAXON rolling his plump self down the stairs this-morning.
by saxon hater 101 September 30, 2023
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Saxon is a decent friend. But also a total knobhead, and does absolutely nothing in school, will probably fail and end up working in McDonalds.
Person 1: I was thinking of naming my son Saxon
Person 2: ........
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men with this name have a massive horse cock, upwards of 22” and makes all the girls scream when he puts it in. loves having fun in bed and will most likely steal your girlfriend with one look.
i heard saxon over there has a massive dick, i really want to ride it and re-arrange my insides
by noxas March 24, 2022
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