With the use of it any word can be turned into a fuck you statement with undertones of absolute contempt
by flippytale January 25, 2004
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Something most people can't understand or handle. Could it be that it is harder to judge what people mean on the Internet with text, or is it that so many people are ignorami?
What ever the case, suck a fart you jet-powered cunt-baboon.
by Bastardized Bottomburp September 22, 2003
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A specific reference to a member of a band know as The Sarcasmics. This band was formed back in late 2004. The name was coined by a consistant sarcasm found in the atmoshpere of their music.
Dude, stop being such a Sarcasmic Idiot.
by youdamn0222 March 22, 2006
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David is my favorite colleague, his sarcasmic observations make the even the dullest workday fly by.
by belledejour March 19, 2011
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The ability to insult idiots without them realizing it.
Friend: "Are you looking forward to the exam tomorrow?"
You: "Yes, sure! I can think of anything more exciting whatsoever!"
Friend: "Yeah me too :)"
You: "You know that was sarcasm, right?!"
Friend: "Sure, I knew that!"
You: "Sure..."
by jay_jo December 10, 2012
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Similar to irony, only worse and less subtle.

1. A form of wit intended to make its victim the butt of contempt or ridicule, by saying something when you mean the opposite (the 'victim' should know this, other wise it won't work).

2. Intended to be bitter.

Was once witty, but is now worn out and over-used, which has resulted in losing it's impact greatly.

Is considered a part of 'dry humour' or 'dry wit'.
Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit.

"Did you know that the sky is blue?"

"NOOO! You don't say?"
by Na May 4, 2004
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