When you have 50/50 odds that something could turn out just fine or be really, really awful, and you go on doing it anyway, you are taking a risk that you could be "eating the horse's sperm". Typically refers to sex acts, but not always.

From the Family Guy episode "Family Gay" in which Peter buys a retarded horse and fills the refrigerator with the horse's sperm to begin breeding it. He reveals it to the family while Stewie eats his cereal. He first looks shocked, then narrows his eyes and continues eating....

(Look up "Milky Surprise" at Hulu for the clip)

If you end up with the awful result, you can then said to have gotten the "milky surprise" (taken from the name of the clip at Hulu).
Steve: "So, I found out midway through the date that she is on drugs for being crazy, but I was hungry for companionship so I decided to risk eating the horse's sperm and took her home."

Heather: "And four month's later how's that working out for ya'?"

Steve: "Well I've had more than a few milky surprises. Bitch be crazy."
by Clintacus February 7, 2010
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To risk a daring yet small known act that will help you gain fame in your small community.
The guy, falling off a building without any protection decided to risk it for the biscuit for his family, friends, and his city.
by DaBombBoys February 12, 2016
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To risk a daring yet small known act that will help you gain fame in your small community.
The guy, falling off a building without any protection decided to risk it for the biscuit for his family, friends, and his city.
by DaBombBoys February 12, 2016
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One must risk it all to get to the female vagina.
"She told me to jump off that 50ft cliff into the water. Despite my fear of hights, I jumped. Gotta risk it to get the biscuit!
by FFLguru September 3, 2015
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See Hop on Risk of Rain 2 definition. Modded for more backend support ;)
Wanna hop on Modded Risk of Rain 2 best friend? I hear it's an improvement on the original
by Dg3nr8 March 21, 2022
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Why take the risk of getting infected by a potent virus if you're unvaccinated? Life is worth losing, and it's not up to you when you die or get infected, and at one time, before the pandemic, taking risks was part of life. That didn't get put on pause, reset, or anything else for some people, they're going to stick with it and keep going. That might not be a good enough answer for everyone ordering mandates or pushing people to get in vaccination lines, but it's one of many possible answers.
What's the point of being alive if you never take a risk, even once in a while?
by The Original Agahnim July 29, 2021
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