A person that crosses boundaries into someone's private life. Butts into personal life.
Example 1:"What are you doing?"

"That is none of your business, stop being such a privacy rapist."

Example 2: "I was just sitting on my porch, minding my own business, and this privacy rapist kept staring at me."
by Kreb Gervsin January 31, 2011
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Someone who steals your energy by demeaning you to make themselves feel better or more powerful. They may feel threatened by your talent, bring you down, and hold you down so they are always in control.
Carl is such a fucking energy rapist. He will get his in the end.
by Wendy White August 16, 2006
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This is to insinuate that somebody has sex with their exhaust silencer; normally on an ATV/Quad Bike. Although this is normally physically impossible due to the exhaust design it is a great put down to many engine enthusiasts.
Tom: You exhaust rapist , go shag your quad.
Dan: Go die you homo.
by Biggles22 October 7, 2007
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Someone who ruins any part of a movie, TV show, or book.
"I heard you we're going to see Clash of the Titans with John."

"Yeah bro, why?"

"I wouldn't advise that, John is a plot rapist."
by Austavious Rex April 8, 2010
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A bro rapist is one who takes advantage of and sexually assaults unsuspecting and innocent bros.
Whitfield is a bro rapist because he carries a large bag of black dildos with him at all times.

Lynn is a bro rapist because he buys cases of Axe body spray to use as bait for unsuspecting bros.
by Ephriam Wright April 5, 2008
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One who decides to kiss another with tongues, whether the "victim" is willing or not.
"Watch out for Beryl at the Xmas party, with a few drinks in her she's a real tongue rapist"
by Bazza73 January 3, 2008
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Someone who keeps pushing their verbal will on you after you've disagreed, or have come to another decision.

Pushing verbally against your will to do something you weren't interested in.
"Alright, I get the point..."

" No, Diana, I don't think you do, you see if we go there tonight...."

"ALRIGHT! Stop being a verbal rapist! I get the point, you dont want to go to the bar!"
by David Trawin November 2, 2006
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