Something such as saying "dammit!" or "shit!" Moop is used as a term that means something negative. Or if you're just bored and feel like babbling.
by SpaceWhale November 10, 2004
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The mixture of excrement and mud on the floor of a Johnny-On-The-Spot, especially found at rainy festivals.
1. I went to the bathroom and sat my purse right in a patch of moop.
2. Under the tent at the festival, there was a stench that made us all wonder if what we were walking in was not mud, but actually moop.
by PopeDarren September 17, 2008
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To burp while keeping you mouth closed, then tapping your sister on the shoulder and blowing it in her face.
She wouldn't change the channel, so I burped up some pizza and mooped her.
by W.E. Coyote August 21, 2003
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1. (noun): a small part or string on the end of the mop.
2. (verb): when used as a verb, this means something so terrible that nobody can even begin to explain its meaning. NEVER EVER USE MOOP AS A VERB!!!
Good example:
"Mom, most of the moops on the mop are worn out so were gonna need a new mop."

Bad example:
"I'm gonna go moop the floor!"

(Sorry if I offended anyone with that bad example, but you all must be prepared to hear it as a verb)
by Hi Erin/Alex February 17, 2008
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annie: i wanna a sloth! **thumbs up**
matt: oh, you're such a moop.
by anndizack June 8, 2009
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A derogatory slang term for people of the Mormon faith. The act of being a Mormon is refered to as mooping it up.
by stumpott August 16, 2007
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