when a space ship of some sort is about to take off
tminus 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, blast off
by cullen May 12, 2004
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18 inch rims not as large as twenties yet sufficient in style
Shite that sonoma is rollin on some dub minus deuces too bad he couldnt fit twenties
by Dr. Victor M December 16, 2002
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There is no time left and you need to make a decision. To fuck or not to fuck. That is the question.
When I encountered a stripper, I had t minus zer to make a decision to screw her.
by JOHN May 11, 2004
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See hete. Derived from Hetero to the MINUS 1. Meaning the inverse of heterosexual and, therefore, homosexual.
Jason, you minus 1, quite looking at Rick's ass!
by Drew October 7, 2003
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It's your standard garden variety "gay lesbian bi transgender" but minus the transgender.

A small but savvy minority of GLB people recognize that GLB causes are not the same as transgender causes. The former has to do with sexual orientation, the latter has to go with gender identity regardless of sexual orientation. People who support this view do not think that transgendered people should have no rights, but simply that they have nothing to do with GLB rights, and therefore oppose the use of the term GLBT and the countless other variants with all sorts of different letter combinations on the end.

The most outspoken proponent of this view is John Aravosis. He has pointed out that GLB activists have been trying to pass the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) for 30+ years, and just when it actually had a chance of finally passing in 2007, they tacked on the T to make GLBT, and then it had no chance of passing. Thus, the initialism GLBT (and any other unnecessarily long variant) has actually held back GLB rights.
Person A: Do you support GLBT causes?

Person B: No, I support GLBT minus T causes.
by klopek007 March 24, 2010
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A pierre minu abdul is someone who's favorite things are: Nachos, Chris Hansen, Funny saturday night live skits, and horror movies. also to keep a pierre minu abdul from jumping your bones you must feed them. if they are full, they will not be frisky!
My Pierre minu abdul comes over on Tues to watch DATELINE: TO CATCH A PREDATOR!
by Deezel April 25, 2007
emphasis of a person being 'minus craic'

to be no fun, and not to take part in activites
Dude: how much minus-anti-reverse craic was she last night?
Dude 2: aww totally man, she's one loser, a total MAR(minus-anti-reverse)
by annie822 December 14, 2007
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