33 definitions by klopek007

Villain from the Harry Potter series. He is a dark lord, but contrary to popular belief, he is not THE Dark Lord. He has nowhere near the power or terror of Morgoth Bauglir or Sauron the Abhorred. He is also a total pussy when compared to Darth Sidious, Darth Vader, or frankly any darth.
Teenager: Voldemort is the greatest villain of all time!!!
Twentysomething adult: Yeah, sure he is....
by klopek007 February 22, 2010
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The Scenario: You're driving along on a relatively deserted two-lane highway, at night, in the right-hand lane. You encounter another vehicle, either behind you or in front of you, in either lane. Eventually, the other vehicle ends up in the left lane, about half a car-length behind you. If the driver had half a brain and basic knowledge of highway driving, they would either pass you, or merge behind you. Instead, it's some brain-dead moron who matches your speed exactly and stays in the same place, thus blinding you with headlights into your side-view mirror. It's especially annoying with a truck or SUV.

The Maneuver: Check your rear-view to make sure there's nobody behind you in your lane. Apply the brakes firmly; not enough to leave rubber behind, but enough for significant deceleration. If you have a manual transmission, or the fairly new "semi-automatic" or "manumatic" transmission, then you should also downshift in order to heighten the effect. The dumbass in the other lane will then fly by you. The advantages are twofold: the other driver will likely be confused about your sudden braking and worry that you saw something that they missed, and also you're now in a perfect position to aim your lights into their side-view mirror, thereby turning the tables.
The Skywalker Speeder Bike Maneuver is named in honor of Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker. In Star Wars episode VI: Return of the Jedi, he went from having two Imperial Scout Troopers on his 6 o'clock to having them at his 12 o'clock, where he quickly dispatched them.
by klopek007 April 6, 2010
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A fake news show on Comedy Central that was once really quite funny, similar to Weekend Update on SNL. However, it steadily became less and less about general news and on-location segments with crazy people, and instead became more and more about just politics, until it was little more than left wing propaganda and frankly not even remotely funny. This change was largely due to the application of the Jon Stewart formula.
Man1: Do you remember when The Daily Show used to be funny?
Man2: Just barely. I have some very foggy memories in the back of my head of what The Daily Show was like before it started sucking bigtime.
by klopek007 March 7, 2010
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She told me that her friend was voluptuous, and she could fix me up with her. I said no thanks.
by klopek007 July 10, 2006
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NON-BIASED DEFINTION: In recent years, in the U.S. only, a red state has come to mean a state that traditionally votes Republican, as opposed to a blue state which traditionally votes Democrat.

In the past, media would use maps with red for one party and blue for the other, with no set standard. The current trend was set during the 2000 Presidential election, when NBC used it. The race was very close, and because of this, Tim Russert was often heard to say things like "Bush needs x more red states in order to win, and Gore needs x more blue states in order to win." Because the coverage was being watched so intently by so many people, the color scheme stuck, and is now used by all networks.

What many people don't realize is that this color scheme is actually the opposite of traditional political colors. Red has always been associated with socialism and communism (i.e. extreme forms of liberalism) as seen on flags of countries such as the P.R.C., the U.S.S.R., and the D.P.R.K. On the other hand, blue is most often associated with conservatism, and sometimes facism (i.e. the extreme form of conservatism). Most nations still use this color scheme.

It may be that NBC assigned these colors at random, or it may be because Republican and red both start with R. Neither party has officially adopted these colors. This color scheme has often led to confusion when residents of other countries see a political map of the U.S. or hear Americans discussing red states versus blue states.
When I hear the term "red state" I automatically think of China or North Korea, not Texas or Utah. It's such a pet peeve that the U.S. got red state and blue state backwards!
by klopek007 November 11, 2009
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A unit of measure for fecal matter. One Katie Couric is equal to approximately two and a half pounds of excrement. (From South Park season 11, episode 9.)
1. Randy Marsh took a crap weighing 8.6 courics, beating the previous world record of 7.5 courics.

2. Oh man, I feel so much better now, that crap felt like it was 2 or 3 courics!
by klopek007 October 13, 2007
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An example of political correctness run amok. The idea is to replace the terms BC and AD (Before Christ and Anno Domini) with the secular terms BCE and CE (Before Common Era and Common Era). Common Era may also be referred to as Christian Era or Current Era.

The change is completely pointless, except to placate the politically correct crowd. The numbering of years is kept the same, but the terms are changed to avoid association with Christianity, and evidentily pretend like the numbering of years started arbitrarily. The numbering comes from the estimated birth of Jesus. For the sake of ease and convenience, the entire world has adopted the Christian calender, regardless of what religion or non-religion we all are, so why pretend otherwise?

If the politically correct crowd really wants to make a completely secular calender, then we'd also have to do away with the names of the months (Roman Paganism), having seven days a week (Judaism), and re-number the years by placing year 1 somewhere different than it is now (Christianity).
Don't try to tell me to use that BCE and CE crap. It's BC and AD, regardless of what you believe or disbelieve. If you don't like it, then feel free to persuade the entire population of the world to adopt a brand new, completely overhauled calender.
by klopek007 March 3, 2010
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