The ultimate power lesbian.
She got her shit together but can still drink like an expert in the field.

Genuinely liked by the people around her.

Only smokes pueblo because "if tge cigarette doesn't taste like cancer, you are doing something wrong"
Dude1: Hey have you seen Marisa?

Dude2: Naah she went out drinking yesterday.

Dude1: Dang, life ain't worth living without her chaotic nature sweetening the day
by RandomFactsSpitter December 2, 2022
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The girl that from the moment that you lay eyes upon you know that you want to spend the rest of your life with. An absolute Fox. From her long curly brunette hair and piercing yet soft and kind light blue eyes to her perfect petite body. She is the most beautiful woman in the world. She doesnt always make the best choices for herself and she struggles with her mental health, but if she has the support of a good partner who is attentive to her needs she can accomplish anything, and will do anything for you. She trusts by default to a fault. She loves intensely and she hates vindictively if you do her wrong. She loves all of the attention that she gets from men and if you neglect giving it to her she will quickly get it from another source. She is absolute wife material but you better be on your A game. Her hotness to crazyness ratio is 10/10. She is the girl that after you lose to your stupid actions you dont want to live anymore. You would do anything to get her back, but its too late. At the end of the day its your fault. Yl
Shes the most beautiful, perfect, radiant woman you've ever met? She must be a Marisa

She beat the shit out of you and bit you when you screwed up? Definitely a Marisa

She is trying to ruin your life after you hurt her in the breakup? Marisa..

Marisa deserves all of the greatest things that life has to offer
by AspenGravy January 14, 2023
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Cradle Robber. Mother’s and fathers should lock their young men away from Marisa’s
Damn that Marisa she is dating another 18yo
by TheythemFM November 24, 2021
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A person who is caring and loving. A light to everyone around her. They can make people smile without trying, and can move mountains with their words. However their downfall is that they cannot see this in themselves. Marisa will see the good in everyone around them, but they won’t believe you when you tell them how amazing they are. But there is no doubt in anyone else’s mind how wonderful they really are.
That’s Marisa for you, she is still learning to see her light that shines so brightly.
by Tahlia M September 25, 2021
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A Marisa is most likely a girl. She is probably friends with a “bailey.” She is very crazy and hard to handle. But when you get to know her she is very nice and loving but still CRAZY
Marisa is crazy.
by Charli29382 December 23, 2020
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Brown eyes, has shiny, smooth, flowing brown hair that you’ll want to play with. A big personality. Violent at times, caring, weird, and really funny. Loves partying, very wild, and outgoing. Loves to hang anytime but also loves to snuggle up at home. She’s not girly at ALL and will hang with the boys. Tomboyish and very tall and thin. A lot of boys like her. She may not know it, but she’s a radiant star and her personality has a very positive effect on others. Very sarcastic, but that’s what makes her fun to be around. Very loyal and fun, any man or women or whoever is very lucky to have her. She supports you no matter WHAT. She is overall someone you want in your life. Treat her well. :)
I really wanna hang out with Marisa today...
Marisa partied so hard last night! Damn I want her...
by -trust me- October 18, 2020
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