a question concerning the motivating conditions of any interlocutor who overtly propagates misinformation for ends related to domestic political unrest, either through the equivocation and misappropriation of critical social concepts originally intended to manifest social/class consciousness or through the intentional flaring up of emotional and/or nationalistic tendencies rooted in conservative-leaning climates which stultify their base's critical faculties leaving them unequipped to vote in their best interest.
After carefully listening to the way Steven Crowder overtly misinforms his large audience base, I couldn't help but ask: Noncompete or Luna? No other option seemed to stand to reason.
by Strifen January 19, 2022
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Jaden Luna possibly the gayest LGBTQ+ member! A Jaden Luna, may think he is good at COD. Which he isn't. Usually likes to go by the name of, "SPKTR7." He gets very Hard, but with a "in." And he sometimes likes to go, "Valleys."
Exmp: Wow hes being a Jaden Luna right now!
Exmp: He thinks hes Jaden Luna. (Losing in every game)
by GodHimselfLuis July 21, 2023
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When you give a guy a handjob for a bag of Doritos
Damn that girl just gave him a dirty Luna
by Lady Luna Lugosi February 19, 2019
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Japanese rock group. Formed in the eighties. Now defunct but still loved by fans across the world.
by MooglePower July 19, 2003
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The act of having segs with a drug dealer for a free keqing on genshin
person 1 : did u hear she pulled a dirty Luna
person 2: yea she spend over 3000 primogems and didn't get keqing so it was about time she did something
by Loona07 November 14, 2020
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The best character in the Harry Potter series who believes in Nargles, Heliopaths and the Rumple Horned Snorkack.Harry Potter will love HER in the end. He wont love Hermione... not Ginny... NOT Draco.... But Luna. Rock on, Luna... Rock on!
"Wit beyond measure is man's greatest treasure."
by Baboon's Backside May 13, 2005
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"look at that hot sexy mexican, mm i want some of that sexmex"
by isla bonita June 10, 2004
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