(verb) Kick From Clan. A common punishment in computer gaming clans, especially if the player has damaged the clan's reputation by cheating.
I'm going to KFC him for hacking.
by _huey October 29, 2007
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A fast food for black people usually. White people who eat KFC are usually wiggers. (white nigger) thugs in the hood get their KFC for breakfast and lunch but not dinner because that's when they rob stores and shit.
by Imwhite&iknowit May 31, 2016
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KFC used to be Kentucky Fried Chicken, but it had leagal issues and is now Kitchen Fresh Chicken. Sounds a whole lot crappier.
{spacefiller} {spacefiller} {spacefiller} {spacefiller}
by That Bum May 30, 2005
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Acronym for:
Kissable Fuckable Cute

Used by some super cool dudes when talking about members of the opposite sex.
Daniel: Yo Jordan, you think that new girl is KFC?
Jordan: Yeah man, I'd tap that.
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Keen For Cock - When someone has the desires and or is craving for dicks/cocks.

KFC - An Abbreviation for Keen For Cock.
KFC = Keen For Cock
guy1 -"You (KFC) bro ?" -_-
guy2 -"I Love (KFC)!" :D
guy1 -"AHAHA! You (Keen For Cock)?" >:D
guy2 - =.="
by aisar_lb February 11, 2012
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