Jeremy is a typa guy who loves to wear ethika boxers

He has soft blue eyes blonde shaggy hair and the pinkest lips
He’s good with kids and making way to a girls heart , very much precious and valuable

He’s worth your time and when you are busy you just need to stop and make time for this Jeremy

He makes sure all your worries goes away the biggest hypeman he’s anything a girl can ask for
Most importantly he’s the young darkskin girl’s future husband💍❤️
Friend: who is that hunk of white chocolate over there?
Me: oh that’s Jeremy, the man of any girls dream.
by Mochacoffeebear May 23, 2022
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A guy to call germy, He is hilarious and funny without even trying. He is very protective and can be kind but at time he can be annoying and difficult to deal with. He is a good person to talk to when your bored and is fun to be around. He has some angry problems though, and always likes to be challenged by anything.
jeremy is a person who is angy germy
by bob ross da bos May 11, 2021
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Jeremys are dry asl and will never text you back. But when they occasionally do, they’re funny as fuck. They are also heavy simps, but heartbreakers, and do not give a fuck.
No one:
by laniii February 13, 2021
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“Did you see Jeremy before?”
“Yes he nearly bit my face off with his nashers
by Hellobeautifulpeople October 5, 2021
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A name that you have definitely made up and used before.
Zoey: Let's make a character
Jim: Okay, let's name it Jeremy

14 Other Jeremys: My names Jeremy too!
by FuckOffAlready69-_ February 25, 2021
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Something to describe your friend as a gaseous midget with two glowing eyes, hes also known to have written a Septuagint before
my little Jeremy little skrunkle dunkle
by manbiTumultuous June 3, 2022
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