What dumbeldor called Dolores umbridge meeting chanwills0
Dumbeldor And jabba the hut ? Jabba? Dolores ur gabba

Umbridge I beg ur pardon
by Harry Potter fan same person December 31, 2022
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A woman who is addicted to having sex with obese men.
Steve, the only girl in this room who’d fuck your fat-ass would be a jabba-wipe like Ashley.
by Skankaflank May 13, 2022
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When someone gets so drunk, they only mumble incoherently, causing them to sound like Jabba the Hutt.
He was so Jabba Drunk last night he couldn’t form a sentence if he wanted to!
by JenBamer April 29, 2019
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Some fat bitch who eats donuts all day and likes to spread rumors, this may include women of all ages but they must be a fat slutty bitch... like Jabba the hut.
Hannah moore is a jabba bitch, she eats fucking twinkies all day and likes some hot guy!
by Caleeb Ibersum February 17, 2014
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1. Is a legendary creature of which some interpretation or depiction appears in almost every culture worldwide. A mythical creature closely related to a reptile and or serpent, better known as a Dragon.

2. Large yellow or red eyes or the taking of opium.

3. Also a slow type of dance that is used in music genre like rap, dance, trance, hip hop, R % B, and or techno.
1. Did you see that Jabba Walkie in the movie? In other words did you see that serpent or reptile creature?

2. Look at his eyes there straight out Jabba Walkie looking. That dude is chasing the dragon.

3. He or she moves in a Jabba Walkie style to the beat of the music.
by Jeiby August 23, 2008
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An individual who could easily have a few select instances of poon but misses out because he is such a poon himself.
Nate Baublits, you could totally have tapped that, you are the original Poon-Jabba.
by Great-Chief Highlander May 2, 2010
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