Aka. C.I.S.P.; When an individual will have sex with someone, regardless of whether or not they are willing to refrain from having sex until they get married
Dan wants to hookup Penelope, regardless of whether she wants to have sex before marriage or wait until they get married. He has a chastity irrelevant sexual preference.
by Vanguard 1998 October 14, 2021
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Opinions of those who cook their steaks medium to well done, or toast their bread for less than 30 seconds.
Brenda has an irrelevant opinion about food because she gets her steak medium well and asks for steak sauce.
by Dirtybootstrap May 26, 2022
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Opinions of those who eat steaks cooked medium or longer, or those who like 20 second toast.
Brenda has an irrelevant opinion about food because she orders her steak well done and asks for steak sauce.
by Dirtybootstrap May 26, 2022
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When someone is so irrelevant that it makes the bar tender look somewhat interesting
Omg, Yelitza is such an irrelevant bar tender; she kinda reminds me of a wannabe Bob Marley.
by Niggazoid June 14, 2017
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omg who’s that she looks irrelevant

me: hi I’m jordan Kupiec
by un poco loco June 11, 2019
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The thing people say to Scottie when they want to annouce that they have an IQ Of less than 1.
“Man, Scottie you’re fackin irrelevant!”
Says Dragon fanatic.
by ScottieTheTimelord March 14, 2018
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Ricebum (ricegum) is irrelevant
Rice gum is so irrelevant I’m pretty sure his parents forgot he existed.
by Atomic Vyp3r on YT July 6, 2021
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