A name used for a guy you are crushing on big time usually associated with names that start with the letters L or P.
Those Grassy Fields be looking fiiiiiine today.
by .-S-N-. June 15, 2022
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When you take your penis and testicles and put them on top of a clear glass table with someone underneath to see it in all its glory
I’m gonna show you my grassy bottom boat
by ItzPaulTheAsshole April 1, 2022
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When one Canadian fella knocks another silly after sun up but before sunny side. (When one is knocked out during brunch and falls face first into the lawn.)
“Hell, Pete straight fed him the grassy brunch when everything turned tit over tadpole.”

“This gawky beaker kept Beakin’ til’ I fed him a grassy brunch.”

“I was shit for sham when this ugly spouter fed me my grassy brunch!”
by Chicken Daddy December 10, 2019
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When something is good right now, but might be bad later. Epic.
That party might be a little grassy...
by Jimmy Kibbles December 24, 2021
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Behaviour that may not actually be straight up grassing (informing/snitching) but is not far off it. The sort of behaviour that indicates you are or would likely be a grass/snitch.
“Did you see him help that policeman with directions?! Proper grassy…”

“Did you really get a picture took with old bill at carnival? Bit grassy that mate…”

“Na I don’t want my kid to play with the police car toy, too grassy, we don’t roll with feds in any shape or form”

“Why you moaning about benefits cheats on your Facebook when you never paid tax in your life anyway, grassy behaviour”
by Cinghiale May 9, 2022
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A nickname for the name gracie that her cousins started calling her now all her damn friends call her
Cousin:cmon grassy
Friends:omg we should so call u that now
by Grassyyy July 11, 2019
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