Where the most sexually rewarding, explicit, fulfilling, and indulging sexual encounters and or memories are retained in the mind for the most anticipated and pleasurable masturbation sessions.

Tom: hey bro, remember when you and i ran the train on that Holly Lolly girl from the Sunset Tan show?

Jon: yeah man, i have that shizzle stored in my Spank Bank Safe Deposit Box


Matt: hey bud, did you end up hooking up with that horny, drunk blonde chick that was all over you last night?

Steve: Nahh dawgg, before we left to my place she passed out in the bathroom, i had to bring out old memories from my Spank Bank Safe Deposit Box that night as a pathetic attempt to even come close to the amount of pleasure that i was so close to getting...
by gingabreadman186 December 17, 2008
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expression used to refer to a bowel movement. The china being the porcelain toilet.
Nobody could find Steve, it turns out he was in the bathroom putting a deposit down on some fine china
by Libraryguy March 8, 2011
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A secret gun safe with enough guns to survive an apocalypse, and enough guns so you can preserve democracy
Mike: Hey, john, lets make a liberty deposit! John: Alright.
by lmaokk April 8, 2018
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A swell dude named Ty who has a heck of a time getting his life together and as a result just kinda flops fetchingly through life like a lifeless blob of lard swirling in a chasm that is juxtaposed between chaos and helplessness.
Only a fatty deposit would show up 45 minutes late for a pathophys final.
by #Jellylicious 😎 November 9, 2018
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