1. An epic, raptastical cultural enrichment camp that occurred during the summer of 2009 at Peterhouse College, Cambridge, UK.
2. The camp that brought M.A. Cubed together.
I'm M to the A and I'm here to say, I miss the Cambridge Prep Experience 2009 today!
by _____________spt.5.3 February 18, 2010
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Sexual intercourse whereby the man penetrates the woman from behind. As opposed to 'punting from the Oxford end': in Cambridge the punter stands on the till and punt with the open end forward, while in Oxford they stand inside the boat and punt with the till forward.
My and me boyfriend were dogging on the A14, alright, when he decide to try punting from the Cambridge end, like they do in the Fens!
by Da_Cello October 15, 2010
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The surface residue of a sanctimonious turd that simply refuses to flush down the proverbial toilet of a millenium of otherwise staunch academic tradition. Also known as CICCU.
"Hi, I'm from Cambridge Inter-collegiate Christian Union. I support the clergy's prolific choir-boy molestation."
"You're going to hell. I should know, I'm from CICCU."
"I don't even believe in Jesus. I'm in it for the free lunches at CICCU."
"The revised 10 commandments of CICCU:
1) Thou shalt have thine cake and eat it.
2) Thou shalt have the cake of others and eat it even if you are full from aforementioned cake.
3) Thou shalt increase the greenhouse effect through fly-posting and leafleting.
4) Thou shalt be racist and homophobic.
5) Thou shalt slap thine wife about a bit for she hath remarkable regenerative powers.
6) Thou shalt steal from the poor and give to the rich.
7) Thou shalt get them out for the lads.
8) Thou shalt evicerate the proletariate.
9) Thou shalt kill members of all other faths.
10) Thou shalt play cricket."
by Rowan Williams October 14, 2007
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Sly way to say he came in his pants
He cambridged in his pants
by #marlie June 15, 2017
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person 1: "What dictionary do you use?"
person 2: "I use Urban Dictionary aka the best dictionary... Cambridge Dictionary outflopped!"
by countcontessa January 25, 2022
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