Occasionally, Dave would pull down his pants and underwear and inspect his junk. If he discovered it was an unsightly, hairy mess, he would pull out a disposable razor and yell, "Michelle, I'll be down in a minute after I Bic my shit".
by Blumpster September 30, 2009
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someone, such as brendan, who can kick a kickball really far so they get the nickname when they're in 3rd grade
by david sheets December 29, 2003
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also used as a sexual innuendo

a state of male arrousal
to flick his bic

'fucking with our eyes open can really flick your bic'
by the wizards staff February 9, 2010
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to light a Bic lighter
(bic is a brand name)
chick:oh crap i can't find my lighter
dude:i got one
chick:well come here and flick your bic
by pyro11199 August 31, 2007
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When a person tries to say "fuck you bitch" in a really bad Asian accent. Primarily used to troll.
Brandon: "Hey guys, want to hear my Jah-puh-knees" Jerome: "No nigga that's racist" Brandon: "Waht-eva ju maddafakker, fuk u bic"
by B. Dynamite March 1, 2015
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A sub species of a Bic fish, Rainbow Bic fish are usually 4 colours and have a natural habitat of a plastic water bottle, they require little to no care, and are unfortunately always confused with a bic pen in water. (To the uneducated)
Wow your rainbow Bic fish is looking stellar, thanks

Why do you have a pen in a water bottle ? It's not a pen it's a rainbow Bic fish
by Googledok January 19, 2022
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A racial slur used for a french person; mainly French women. This most likely refers to the fact that most French women tend to have rather hairy legs and/or hair armpits.
Why don't you go shave, you ugly bic-needer!
by ThePrarieNigger February 20, 2014
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