This is a word for a deadly place with many dangerous animals
1: Whats the name for a dangerous place
by ghenkel September 8, 2019
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A Complete shithole, full of redneck-jock-ignoramus-shithead-morons who have no desire for even the most basic levels of intellegence. I know, i live here. URGH!!!
Me: Kevin Rudd And Brendan nelson Are both conservative shitheads who whitewash us with capitalist lies.

Average Australian: Politics Are for faggets, and Oz Is Da Best. Oi Oi Oi. I hate people who are different from me and my white-middle class existance.

Me: Go die you ignorant Homophobe-Racist-sexist-nationalist mega-xenophobe douche
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The newest name for female genitals, or the region "down under".
"I hear her Australia looks like a lotus flower."
by Dave and Bruce June 19, 2008
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A country whose economic and political growth has been unspeakably retarded due to an unfortunate dispute among geographers as to whether it is a continent or an island.
Australia is not seen as a strong country.
by Ramone Wyman September 16, 2008
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The only country in the world than can safely say that they're better than America, without some way for an American to refute them with the good ol', "Well considering your history, we're fucking angels."
Australia kicks your ass till shit is spewed out your dick.
by AragornElessar August 30, 2008
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'down there' area. On male or female. not meant as anything against aussies, or anything offenive. called that because Australia, is well, down there.
My gram walked in on me shaving my australia
by limelight May 15, 2005
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A country which may speak retarded English, yet doesn't allow a man who can't read nor speak fluent english to become President.
by Crocodile Dundee June 5, 2005
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