Acronym for alcohol induced dribbly shits, used mainly in the country, Barbados
last night was sick except AIDS this morning
by Bajanboy November 7, 2011
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It stands for After Intense Drinking Shit. The term given to really bad Diarrhea after having drank (usually beer) the night before.
Everyone had AIDS after drinking Dogfish Head's "Midas Touch" beer last night.
by Danny1904 March 14, 2007
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A disease which started in "bathhouses" in San Francisco (although the first recorded (although unofficial) case occurred in a nunnery in England, presumably transferred to her through blood contact, rather than sexual contact), amongst the homosexual community. The disease started most likely through some seminal mutation or a strange mutant strain of a blood disease, presumably leukemia. It began after homosexuals began to have unprotected sex in said bathhouses, to the point at which it was said "you can enter that bathhouse right now, drop your pants, get serviced, and get out in less than three minutes." It was originally believed that the gays were the only people who could contract AIDS, so the California Bathhouses were all closed temporarily as more and more gay men and lesbian women became infected with AIDS. Although the deaths became rather rampant in a short time, the press refused to post any news of AIDS for weeks, merely because the story involved homosexuals. Roughly six months into the bathhouse closing fiasco, several straight women were reported to have contracted AIDS, and the bathhouses were reopened. Safe-sex became a large thing amongst gays and straight folk, as it was the only way to combat AIDS, considering the fact that AIDS could not be cured. Many people to this very day still believe that only wearing a condom will protect one from AIDS, but a study revealed that because several Americans had NOT USED CONDOMS PROPERLY, or had used FAULTY or DAMAGED CONDOMS, the disease was still prevalent. Be sure to ask your lover if she has been tested, if she has had many partners in the past, and make sure to always wear a condom.

Although AIDS cannot be spread through oral sex, many other venereal diseases can, e.g. herpes, syphilis, gonorrhea, and Chlamydia. AIDS invades the body's blood stream and slowly kills off all phages and T-Cells protecting us from diseases. AIDS cannot kill you, but the lack of an immune system can, leaving you vulnerable to many everyday viroids and bacteria we are drenched in every day. The death is usually slow and painful, and very, very slow.

Although AIDS is incurable, a miraculous occurrence took place in England. A 25-year-old gay man, a Mr. Stimpson, had learned that he had contracted AIDS from his lover. Thinking he had nothing left to lose, Stimpson and his lover were reported to have had wild, unprotected sex many times before he was diagnosed again. He went back to his clinic for a check-up, and it was found that he no longer had AIDS! Both tests were, indeed, correct, meaning that Mr. Stimpson had effectively recovered from AIDS. This has never happened anywhere else.

Although they have different names, HIV and AIDS are the same thing. HIV is merely the name of the AIDS virus. The disease one contracts from HIV is called AIDS.

Dave Chappelle once said that AIDS was introduced to kill black people. Many NCAA members are still debating this with former Nazi scientists in order to resolve this conflict. Yes, the blacks now where Joseph Mengelev and Adolph Hitler are. No, we won't turn them over. Tough (This entire paragraph is a lie).
Joey: Yo, I heard Jack got AIDS.
Mark: Yeah. That man was a sex machine. Did you see how many girlfriends he had?
Joey: Well, AIDS can be contracted by both straight and gay people, so I guess it was inevitable with how much pussy that guy got.
Mark: I got AIDS from a bad blood transfusion.
Joey: Oh. Damn.
Mark: Well, it's not contagious. Except through blood, breast milk, and semen.
Joey: That's good. I was getting afraid.
Mark: Oh. Well, I'll see ya. I'ma go hang myself.
Joey: You go do that.
by DeusExMagna January 11, 2006
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1. Serious STD that shortens your life but makes for excellent comedy.

2. Anyone In Denial Sexually. A person who claims to have AIDS to imply they have had much sex, when in reality they have had none and claim to have AIDS to prevent sexual advances due to fear of loosing virginity.

3. A disease that you tell people that a person has to mock him, assuming he is a douche.
1. Wow, too bad he went to Africa and had sex with monkeys, now he has AIDS.

2. Hey ladies, you know I would do you all but I have AIDS.

3. Yeah you moron you are so retarded you probably have AIDS.
by SuperFly7.62x39mm February 24, 2006
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Alcohol Induced Diarreah Syndrome.

When you get wasted drunk and piss out of your ass all day long.
I drank a fifth of tequila last night and have been suffering from AIDS all day
by yourmomlovesmycock February 6, 2008
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There is a misconception that AIDS was created by whites to kill off blacks. The original use for the disease was to stop the spread of vampires, zombies, and all other living dead that suck blood. AIDS is also the irony of humanity because while it was perfectly effective at killing off living dead, scientific researchers (who are all white) realized that it was perfectly effective at killing off blacks. There is no known cure for AIDS, but some immunities include: being white, massive amounts of win, lv 70 armor, and money,; none of which blacks have.
Black man- "stfu whitey this is all your faults."

"She's such a whore, her legs spread faster than AIDS spread in Africa"
by stevemasterofallthings June 17, 2008
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