The only games console with a melting point below room temperature
person 1: My Xbox 360 melted yesterday
person 2: Was it in a room?
person 1: Yes
person 2: That'll be why then
by random input July 1, 2010
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One of the leading causes for male & female relationships
Jenny: Hey baby do you want to go out tonight?
Bob: No thanks I gotta play Xbox 360 all night with more of my xbox nerd friends, but we can have sex later.
Jenny: UGH
by OMGROFLCAKES March 17, 2010
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when someone plays there xbox 360 so much its like its there sex partner.
oh look tommy is going into his room again to play his sexbox 360 tisk tisk.

hey joey hows ur sexbox 360 hahahahahah loser!
by tighty21 February 22, 2010
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A system released by Microsoft to attempt to get them a lot more money. Although the system is cheaper then the PS3 you actually end up spending double the cost of a PS3 in full since you have to buy all of the things a PS3 would come with standard.
Person 1: Haha I saved a lot of money buying my Xbox 360 compared to your PS3
Person 2: No you didn't. You went out and bought over 500 dollars worth of accessories for your Xbox 360 that my PS3 comes with standard.
by Justingraziano July 18, 2008
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A bartender who's head is on a swivel and keeps your drink(s) refreshed without hesitation. Generally hard to find, especially at singles bars where the bar keep is more interested in scoring than earning a gratuity.
That dude was a 360 bartender. I never had to ask him for anything, and neither did anyone else. He was Johnny on the Spot, and even slid me a free beer after my fourth round with subsequent tips. Bravo!
by Lord Bismarck November 18, 2011
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When one dances exclusively by rotating their wrist.
"You know you always get me with that 360 wristing, babe."
by TheAnarchy August 7, 2020
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When a man lays his woman on the edge of the bed facing him, inserting his penis inside before doing a handstand and returning back to a standing position. Thereby doing a 360º roll pleasuring his lady beyond imagination.
Guy: Alright baby you ready for a Cock 360?

Girl: What?

Guy: *Proceeds to spin himself while his girl moans uncontrollably*
by JAFXPL February 14, 2016
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