A conspiracy theory stating that there are no full time employees at 7/11 Gas Stations, but rather, that it is a series of part time jobs. Even the management works for no more than 20 hours a week, and is replaced every few months.
by Kalos Starbuck September 23, 2016
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when you go to 7-11, and due to the fact that you are too stoned to care, buy one of their poor quality hot dogs, loading it up with all of the disgusting condiments, and nacho cheese. This, more often than not, results in a sick feeling in the gut, followed by explosive diarreah.
cool guy 1: man lets go to 7-11 and get some delicious hot dogs.
cool guy 2: man you are looking to pay 7-11's other tax!
cool guy 1: fuck man.
cool guy 2: yeah man lets go.
by Mark Elliott February 28, 2007
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7/11 brown or 9/11 brown refers to a racially-precarious joke about brown-skinned people. The phrase is usually asked to a brown person like this "Are you 7/11 brown, or 9/11 brown?" Essentially, this question is a funny and racially insensitive way of asking if somebody is South Asian lineage (7/11 brown) or Middle Eastern lineage (9/11 brown). This means that if your parents are from Iran or west of Iran, you are Middle Eastern lineage. If your parents are from Afghanistan/Pakistan, or east of Afghanistan/Pakistan, then you are South Asian lineage. So basically, Iran's Eastern Border is the division between the two regions.

This joke is because many 7/11 stores are worked by South Asian people, whereas 9/11 was done by Middle Eastern people.
Friend 1: Are you 7/11 brown or 9/11 brown

Friend 2: Pakistani, so that's 7/11 brown.
by bryansteldag November 3, 2023
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A cocktail consisting of MD 20/20 (Any Flavor), Wild Irish Rose, Colt 45, and the contents of a Big Gulp fished out of the trash. The mixture should be shaken as opposed to stirred. Add a hot dog straight from 12 hours on the roller for some texture and flavor. Best enjoyed next to a homeless guy who will tell you about the glory days next to the 7-11 dumpster at about 2:41 am.
I tried the 7-11 special last night, and I finally found my dad behind the 7-11 on the boulevard. I woke up and he was gone again tho :(
by TMG4Lyfe December 8, 2019
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Tell someone you're going to 7/11 when you actually drive around to drink and smoke
Hey Jane, I'm gonna Go to 7/11
by Heyitsj000 July 4, 2019
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