A random expression used to express little to no interest in something.

One of many carbo-isms
by Carbo-nation September 6, 2007
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an expression of bored semi-sadness
Im feeling meh today. Meh
by mayrod March 15, 2005
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meh means
i don care
shut up fool
i feel... ahh im to lazy
so how was the hockey game last nite
is that good or bad
(in this case the person is basically saying shut up i dont care about a damn hockey game.
by strikers November 14, 2005
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a word invented by the greatest show ever, The Simpsons.

it was used in the episode Hungry Hungry Homer originally aired on March 04 2001.
Homer: Kids, how would you like to go to ... Blockoland!
Bart + Lisa: Meh.
Homer: But the TV gave me the impression that --
Bart: We said, "Meh!"
Lisa: M-e-h, meh.
by boshk March 9, 2005
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A multipurpose word which can be used to mean almost anything.
"Hows you?"

"Dya fancy goin oot l8r?"

"She's a bit fine ent she?!"
by Phil8505 May 18, 2005
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When your too lazy to give an explanation or don't want to reply at all...peh and deh are also used to replace this word after repeated constantly
Why arn't you in class?
Why did you do that...? (reply) Meh
by Felipe N May 21, 2002
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