When yo nigga is being a wigga so you gotta tell him to stop being such a dollar sign headass and you hit em with the Wtf to get him back to nigga1
Nigga : bruh let’s go play some tennis
Nigga 2 : nigga wtf
Nigga : shit my bad sorry bruh
by PopeNigga July 15, 2018
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When you walk barefoot outside and the bottom of your feet get all dirty and turn black.
Ahh man, that fool's got nigga feet, don't let him inside on my white carpet.

I was walking around in Scott's backyard and got nigga feet.

Damn Eddie, your backyard is so full of bunk that every time I step outside I get nigga feet!
by Jonston August 7, 2007
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The nigga mindset is a pessimistic mindset often dwelled into by young black adolescents. The adolescent would like an item, but can not afford it, and often resorts to stealing, extortion and more, as they feel pessimistic, as if they are incapable of getting a job, or feel broke. This can be triggered by jealousy, or another person showing off (also known as "flexing") their materialistic item to the young black adolescent.
"I was broke on the block I ain't have a job
Ain't no way to get no money so I had to rob"

- No Label - Lil Tjay

Person 1: Hey, why did you rob that store?
Person 2: I dwelled into the nigga mindset
by niggam July 29, 2019
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When you accidently bump into/are in the way of a black girl. Then when you try to say sorry you get slapped in the face with a "Nigga Please!" followed by a string of insults including ones aimed at your ethnicity, mom, fashion sense, Etc. And it all ends with a snap of the fingers and a bob of the head and she walks off. Leaving you in a total state of confusion.
Johnson: Oops!, I'm so-
Shaquandaya: Nigga Please!, You look like you just came out of the thrift store with yo cheap ass. Yo mom was a poor white trash hooker and you look straight up retarded! Crazy fuckin' crackas, think they can accidently walk into me!
Johnson:...What just happened?
by iwannabeanalcoholic January 28, 2005
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Niggas who talk big and act tough but can't even bench the bar. They consistently lose in fights and continuously take Ls.
Meek Mill is a weak nigga.
by legendblue8 December 27, 2016
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a sexy, amazing dancer who spits mad game on and off the dance floor. Always the sexiest of his friends and always the most gorg.
I wish I could dance like nigga T, he gets all the ladies.
by abbys February 1, 2007
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