The ability to take a picture of yourself and draw a beard on yourself
Man 1: I'm so bored right now..
Man 2: Take a Singh Chat!
Man 1: What a wicked idea!
by Singh_skillz July 1, 2015
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Unlike Chat GPT, this one gets angry once a month.

Ryan "what's for tea love”
Chat PMT "if you ask me that one more time, I'll chin you"
Fuck me the Mrs lost her shit today when I asked her the time, she must have a case of Chat PMT
by PoOpa FoOker March 15, 2023
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mason is a gay dude and he loves shaylee
mason is a supid biach daday matt chatting on my dog
by The real Mitchell Krueger November 3, 2020
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somthing someone says when they think they are a big shot youtuber
someone:"hey chat is this real"
by vaild boi September 13, 2023
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The best people in the world are in one group chat, including you. You share the best tea, hype eachother up and send the best memes. Get yourself a great ass group chat and you might have yourself trustworthy and amazing friends.

Sam: yo, what are you guys doing later?
Patty: studding 🙄
Kayla: helping patty study 💁 ♀️
Sam: aw, that sucks
Tom: why the hell am I in this group chat 👋
by Trumpet toot October 24, 2019
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My Group chat is the only people I actually like on this world.If you get a Group Chat like mine,keep them until you die.Your squad will be loyal,caring,amazing and trustworthy,You share everything with them and they share everything to you
Guy:Hey! What are you doing after school?
Me:Oh,Just talking to my Group chat!
by yourmomgay134 October 24, 2019
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