To be shocked or confused over something found on Urban Dictionary
I was Larry C-ed when I found out what a Hot Karl is.
by AnabolicCaveMan May 18, 2010
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A person, who is in the Fire, EMS, or Police service, or one who badly wants to be apart of such service. A wacker always has the latest gear, the "coolest" shirts and plenty of stickers on his car. Wackers often overdoo everything, such as lights, sirens, or expensive equipement. These items are almost always paid out-of-pocket, as no organization can justify that much wasted spending. Wackers are most commonly between the agest of 14 and 30, and are usually trying to show off to others, how "cool" they are for being a Firefighter, EMT, Police officer, or for wanting to be one of the above. A Wacker can often be found with their radio turned way up, so that everyone can hear it from a mile radius, or sitting around their local headquarters trying to catch any scrap of action going on in any of the surrouding districts.
"Hey look at that kid with his saturn, he joined the fire department last week and now he has a lightbar and stickers all over it, what a wacker!!"
Oh great you Larry bagged your minivan
by West E wackers November 3, 2017
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A driver who goes the exact speed limit, and not any faster.
Oh great looks like we’re stuck behind a speed limit Larry
by Goldendust September 19, 2023
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Larry Justice is a strong and loving brown skin boy. He is so sweet to his friends and he is hilarious. But if you make him mad you better watch out, because he’ll throw a bunch of insults at you that might hurt you, because he has anger issues. Larry has taught me to never care bouta bitch and to treat your frens well.
Larry Justice is an amazing person that erbody loves at walnut springs middle school.
by Tiktokfpsfanpage October 4, 2022
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You can't really describe it, but it's a very goofy action that makes you shit your pants in laughter.
That's some Larry moe shit
by Larry Moe March 23, 2016
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